Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Christmas is over, New Year has started

Christmas is over and the New Year has begun. However, I feel I need to recap the amazing Christmas we had. Dominick has been telling us for years now that Santa is not real and that he believes that Ryan and I do all the work and pretend Santa does it. We have told him time and time again that there is NO way that we could be Santa because we don't have that kind of money to buy all those gifts that Santa is able to bring. Mommy and Daddy are struggling after the move to pay for electricity, rent and food. How could we afford an air hockey table, an MP3 player and a playdoh kit? Also, what mommy and daddy in their right mind would purchase playdoh for their kids? That is the type of gift that you regift to other people's children and shrug your shoulders and say, "Sorry." Moms and dads that are smart will continue to regift it all year long. Anyway, we were lucky enough to be able to reinforce the fact that we are not Santa and that he is in fact, "real." Uncle Ben came to visit and he was able to capture a quick photo of Santa putting the last present under the Christmas tree. He said he has never seen someone move so fast in his life! This has also reinforced my thinking about my weight. If that fat man can move so fast that Uncle Ben wasn't able to chase after him, maybe I'm just not quite fat enough and shouldn't worry so much about losing weight. Maybe that's why I can't run! Well, that's probably not a good idea but it is a nice thought. After Ben showed the kids this truly awesome picture, Dominick has changed his ideas about Santa and has now said he believes in Santa. I think the fact that he only got one present from Santa this year and a letter stating Santa wished Dominick still believed, helped reinstate the belief as well. I'm just happy my little ones are staying little just a wee bit longer!

Now that Christmas is over and the New Year has begun, the kids have gone back to school (THANK GOODNESS!), Ryan has gone back to work (I'm a little bummed), and I am starting school in 6 days and have applied for a multitude of jobs. Hopefully, someone sees my potential and is willing to hire me. Piano lessons have not taken off like we had hoped and I only have two students at the moment, so it's back to the land of hard work. Unfortunately, NC is not like CA and doesn't have a multitude of office and accounting jobs. So, it may be a little while before someone decides that I'm a good fit. I'm just happy I found a decent resume site online to be able to make it look like I've been doing something in the past 6 years while we lived in Japan. Gotta fool them somehow, right?

Hayden is taking Japanese lessons on Fridays after school and is slowly learning how to read and write. We're hoping to have him stick with it as long as he can. I'd love for him to be able to get to a high school that offers Japanese so he can be bilingual. Unfortunately, his really awesome teacher, Amalu, is going back to Okinawa on the 29th of January. On the plus side, her sister is arriving on the 24th so while he will have to adjust to a new person, his lessons can continue and she's bringing new books with her from Japan for his studies! I'm so thankful for foreign exchange students!

As for my school, I'm not lucky enough to concentrate on foreign languages. I have to take a Biology class, a Biology lab, a Human Genetics course and an Accounting course this spring. People looking at my classes this semester can't believe that my major is Accounting and
Business Administration. Why I have to waste my time on Biology and Genetics is beyond me but it's the ways of the U.S. education system. I guess I'm supposed to be well rounded or some crap like that! It's like putting lipstick on a pig, in my opinion but if I want these degrees, I have to suck it up and stop complaining. Eventually I'll be S-M-R-T!!

During the course of this post, Hayden has declared me to be such a bad parent because
he is NEVER allowed to play with his playdoh! Haha! My job is done! He has also declared that Ryan is not part of our family because he was told he would need to wait to do his "Family" art project that he brought home from school until Daddy came home to participate in being part of the family. What a little booger! He's too smart for his own good. I'm not sure if everyone new but to go along with his smartness, he has a "smart" new look. No longer is he one of the two only people in our family without glasses. He has joined the glasses wearing side of the family. I guess it's so he can say he looks edumacated. Cora is enjoying being the only one in our family with no glasses and hopes she doesn't ever have to get them. We hope the very same thing.

Well, it's that time to start making dinner, to deal with the kids, and to find out where my husband is. He must be hiding out in hopes that dinner will be made before he gets here. Haha! At least I'm not helping him with that crazy delusion. As if this mommy can get things done on time! Yeah right! Good night and hope everyone that is reading this is well. Hopefully, I'll be able to write a little more often since I'm guaranteed to be on the computer for school.